Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Trying Again

To blog or not to blog, that is the question. I had a blog before. My posts were sporadic, I didn't know if anyone ever followed it or not, and frankly it stressed me out just thinking about it. My last entry was early 2010, and I haven't missed blogging. But everyone keeps telling me that "photographers should have blogs." If you know me, you know that I don't really care too much about doing what everyone else is doing. But what I do care about is the success of my business and doing what I need to do to make my clients happy. So with that in mind, I am willing to try again. I guess with the growth of Facebook I am curious to see if blog readership is as high as it once was. We shall see. My goal for 2012 is to blog once a week. Please don't make me feel guilty if I don't live up to this. I promise to try my best, and if I fall off, please have mercy on me :)